Recent Posts

  • Telepathy is Real! (kinda)

    Researchers have now successfully transferred words from one conscious mind to another over long distances… is a sentence that is technically true, but the details of how they did it reveal that true telepathy is still a long way off.  …


  • Cobra Soup

    Cooking a Chinese delicacy, a chef in Guangdong province died when the head of a cobra he was preparing bit his hand – long after it had been severed from its body.  This freak accident has Jeff and Anthony pondering …


  • Mayo on Displayo

    A museum in Japan devoted entirely to mayonnaise prompts Anthony and Jeff to discuss the proper ways to consume condiments, the joys of seeing mundane “attractions”, and the usefulness of obsession.  Also, Indiana Jones shows up.

    If you like the …


  • Follow Your Dreeeeeeam!

    An article about how one Chinese gamer turned his “gaming addiction” into a profitable business prompts Anthony and Jeff to discuss dreams, responsibility, passion, and choosing the right career.  Also, Sir Patrick Stewart’s hidden love of crude oil.

    This show …


  • Biome Sweet Home

    There is evidence to suggest that a microbe that lives inside the human stomache may be the key to ending deadly peanut allergies.  Indeed, the microbiome that each of us carries around all the time may have far more to …


  • Robo Baby Buggy Bumpers

    Several high profile colleges have teamed up to create a universal index of basic knowledge for robots.  The theory is that robot brains will need to know how to process even the most elementary interactions with everyday objects, and one …


  • Know More Data

    Plug your email address into a particular part of Google and you’ll see a map of everywhere you (and your smartphone) have been in the last month.  Anthony isn’t surprised and thinks anyone who is worried must be 70 years …


  • Free Monkey Smiles

    When a monkey grabbed his camera in Indonesia, snapped the perfect selfie, and the photo went viral, British photojournalist David Slater assumed he’d make a pretty penny from the iconic image.  But the in a 1,222 page report, the US …


  • Immortality Transfusion

    Researchers in California are planning to treat Alzheimer patients by replacing their blood with blood of young people.  Even crazier, there is reason to believe it may work, since old mice have become healthier and more youthful when their circulatory …


  • Like This

    A writer for Wired clicked ‘like’ on every single article, update, or advertisement that Facebook presented to him over the course of two days, and described what it did to his feed. It turns out, the algorithm can go pretty …


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