
  • Cocoa Beware

    We are consuming more chocolate than we produce, and at the current deficit we may soon be facing a global cocoa shortage.  As a fan of chocolatey goodies, Jeff is worried about a potential joyless chocolate-free future, while Anthony welcomes …


  • Your Sh@t Don’t Stink

    By actually printing DNA, researchers are now able to create entirely new species.  They started with a glow-in-the-dark plant, and now have plans to design microbes that will live in your stomach and actually change the smell of your fecal …


  • The Crystal Method

    Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark have synthesized crystalline materials that can bind and store oxygen in high concentrations. That means that we may be able to use crystals to replace oxygen tanks or even allow divers to simply …


  • Mouse Wheel Fun Run

    Anthony and Jeff’s debate about the joy to be found in running and exercise contuinues.  This time, Jeff has an article from the New York Times about a study which showed that mice will spend time on a running wheel, …


  • Lego Worm Brain

    An open source group has recreated the brain of a worm, neuron for neuron, and recently programmed this data into the body of a Lego Mindspring robot.  Rather than dictating specific behavior into the software, the program simply fires each …


  • 28 Days Other

    A British performance artist is raising money to live inside the Oculus Rift virtual environment nonstop for 28 days.  He will be connected at all times with another human being – someone he has never met – seeing what he …


  • Let’s Clone a Mammoth

    Scientists have found the most well preserved mammoth ever- so fresh they even took a bite of mammoth meat. Does its DNA contain enough complete information to clone it? If so, should we? What happens if we bring back exctinct …


  • Tearable Information

    Arizona schools are ripping pages about contraception out of text books and Anthony can’t believe it.  Jeff tries to figure out the motivation behind such a bonehead move, but both guys can’t understand why less knowledge is ever good.  It’s …


  • Time is a Cat Circle

    Join us TODAY on our video hangout. Chat with us. Have a beer. Share your concerns. More info on how to join: http://patreon.com/wehaveconcerns

    Researchers have just created the world’s most precise atomic clock- but what do we get out of …


  • You Art What You Eat

    The Foodini is an example of the new wave of 3D printers for food.  Just fill it with fresh ingredients, and out pops meals like ravioli, pizza, and hamburgers, ready to cook.  Anthony detests the tyranny of food, and doesn’t …


Do NOT join our secret society. You’ll just wind up with a bunch of cool stuff. It’s gross.